3.6 Student Mistreatment
A medical school develops effective written policies that define mistreatment, has effective mechanisms in place for a prompt response to any complaints, and supports educational activities aimed at preventing mistreatment. Mechanisms for reporting mistreatment are understood by medical students, including visiting medical students, and ensure that any violations can be registered and investigated without fear of retaliation.
Supporting Data
For medical education programs with regional campuses, provide data for each campus.

Narrative Response
- Describe how, when, and by whom medical students, residents, faculty (full-time, part-time, and volunteer), and appropriate professional staff are informed about the medical school’s definition of mistreatment and the medical student mistreatment policies.
- Describe how and when medical students, including visiting students, are informed about the procedures for reporting alleged incidents of mistreatment.
- Describe the procedures used by medical students, faculty, or residents to report individual or observed incidents of alleged mistreatment in the learning environment. Describe how reports can be made and identify the individuals to whom reports can be directed. Describe the way in which the medical school ensures that allegations of mistreatment can be made and investigated without fear of retaliation. Describe the process(es) used for follow-up when reports of alleged mistreatment have been made.
- How, by whom, and how often are summative data on the frequency of medical students experiencing mistreatment collected and reviewed? Are these summative data shared with relevant members of the medical education community?
- Note recent actions that have been taken in response to school-identified mistreatment incidents and/or data from the AAMC GQ or student surveys related to the incidence of mistreatment.
- Describe recent educational activities for medical students, faculty, and residents that were directed at preventing student mistreatment.
Supporting Documentation
- Formal medical school or sponsoring organization policies on student mistreatment, including the formal definition of mistreatment, the policies and/or procedures for responding to allegations of medical student mistreatment and the avenues for reporting and mechanisms for investigating reported incidents.