It has been 8 years since standards and elements updated to current format.
Mean is skewed due to small number of schools with several U’s. Two-thirds had 7 or fewer U’s.
Mean is inflated due to small number of schools with large number of citations.
9.8 used to be only timeliness of submission, but now student perspective plays a key role in performance of the element.
Underlying causes - this element has 3 parts. 1) single set of core standards for all students for promotion and graduation (parallel curricula may have additional objectives), 2) fair and timely process for students if action considered will interrupt or terminate their progress - need timely notice and evidence for adverse action, student needs opportunity to respond before action is taken. 3) student due process after adverse action taken - appeal process, same concepts apply of needing documentation in writing. Group that considers appeal is not the same group that rendered the original decision. Likely this is high citation because all three parts need to be met. Students need opportunity to provide information before an adverse decision is rendered.
8.3 includes many parts. Element expects that there is a way to assign responsibility to all parts of the element (who is responsible, who acts, etc). Schools are cited not on table but parts that are not working via the narrative questions. Are phases (segments identified by the program) reviewed regularly? Process defined in DCI. Example: a school is cited due to lack of phase review… individual course review not enough. Must use phase review as a collective review (not just individual courses). Phase review must show action/change. Curriculum Committee minutes are used as evidence of this. Do you do them? Do you use appropriate measures? Are you meeting objectives? If not, how are changes made?
This is also reflected in whole curriculum review. How do you evaluate content determinations? Are you using appropriate instructional formats to teach EPOs? How well are you doing? Using data from phases but also indicators that showcase data across the curriculum. There is a need to demonstrate that the data went to the right place and that there is an outcome that results from findings.
Final piece is monitoring. Do you know what you are teaching and where you are teaching it? tools (system and people) are needed that will reflect this. Schools have been cited for all three above. Minutes must show receiving this information and acting upon it.