- Use Times New Roman, 11 pt. black font and single spacing for all responses to DCI questions and tables (note, this does necessarily not apply to template headings, footers, etc.).
- Use a serial comma (Oxford comma) before the coordinating conjunction (usually “and” or “or”) in a series of three or more items.
- The words “ex officio”, “ad hoc”, and “via” (or other Latin phrases used colloquially) should not be italicized.
- No periods are used with degrees and other abbreviations, with the exception of “U.S.”
- Academic years should be listed as 20##-## (e.g., 2022-23).
- The first occurrence of an abbreviation of acronyms should be spelled out with the abbreviation/acronym in parentheses. Subsequent uses should list just the abbreviation/acronym.
- The word “data” is plural (e.g., data are available – not, data is available).
- Only one space should be used after periods in between sentences.
- The word "dean" is not capitalized except when it begins a sentence or is linked to an individual’s name, such as "Dean Robert Jones." The same is true for vice president, provost, president, chair, and associate dean.
- The words "medical school," "college," and "university" are not capitalized unless they begin sentences or are used as the school’s full name (e.g., Jones Medical School).
- The word "faculty" is not capitalized unless it begins a sentence.
- Discipline names (e.g., "Physiology," "Biochemistry," "Medicine") are capitalized when they refer to departments. Note that "department" is not capitalized unless it is used with reference to a specific discipline, as in "Department of Medicine."
- Capitalize the names of formal school committees and subcommittees (e.g., Committee on Educational Policy), but do not capitalize the committee if the formal name is not used and the committee is referred to just by function (e.g., curriculum committee).
- The word “assess” is used for students’ performance and “evaluate” is used for programs.
- In the narrative (not tables), numbers one through nine are spelled out, and numbers 10 and higher are listed as numbers.
- Any tables with symbols (such as *) include the relevant note beneath the table with explanatory text.
- Full-time and part-time should include a hyphen (not part time).
- The word online contains no hyphen and is lowercase unless it starts a sentence. The word internet is lowercase, unless it starts a sentence.
- The word “bylaws” should be lowercase, unless it starts a sentence.